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Check your child's school division website, or search online for their seclusion and restraint policy, if they have one. Look it over carefully and ask questions if you don't understand, or don't agree with, something. You are the right to have your voice heard and your child's best interests represented.
Students have a right to appropriate educational programming in a safe, caring, and inclusive learning environment as mandated by Manitoba Education (2021) Safe and Caring Schools: A Policy Directive Enhancing Proactive Supports to Minimize the Use of Seclusion.
Schools have a responsibility to provide a safe, caring, and inclusive learning environment by implementing a positive whole-school approach for student safety and student belonging in the school environment.
Schools have a responsibility to engage in preventative and positive practices as opposed to those that are punitive and reactive. Preventative and positive measures facilitate a positive school climate and build a culture of trust and respect.
In order to ensure that schools maintain safe and caring school environments for all students and employees, The division recognizes that schools may need to use seclusion when a student is engaging in intense violent behaviour that presents a significant and immediate risk to the student or others.
Seclusion is always the last resort. Prevention strategies, de-escalation interventions, and less restrictive measures must have been exhausted with the student before any form of seclusion implementation.
Definitions and Terminology
The way in which a student acts in response to a particular situation or stimulus and may be a way to communicate need or a way to cope with stress/stressors.
Calming Space
A designated space that provides opportunities for students to experience a reduction in sensory input. It may include specific activities or tools to calm the nervous system. A calming space when used appropriately serves as a preventive measure. The use of a calming space would be included in a student- specific plan if being used on a regular basis.
The involuntary confinement of a student alone in a room or area where the student cannot freely exit.
Seclusion should only be used in exceptional circumstances when a student is engaging in intense violent behaviour that presents a significant and immediate risk to the student or others and should only be considered as a last resort.
Physical Restraint
Personal restriction that immobilizes or reduces the ability of a student to move their torso, arms, legs, or head freely in order to secure and maintain the safety of the person or the safety of others.
Time Out
A strategy to reduce student behaviour by removing the student for a specified and limited period. Time-out does not necessarily require removal of a student to an isolated or secluded setting.
Sensory Spaces
A broad variety of therapeutic spaces (eg. an identified calming space, sensory modulation/integration room, multi-sensory room) to proactively meet a student’s sensory needs and promote self-regulation. The use of a sensory space would be set up and monitored in consultation with an occupational therapist and would be included in a student specific plan.
Seclusion Procedures
The division will only support the use of seclusion when schools have fully addressed the following requirements:
The principal and/or designated must report any event that involves the use of seclusion to the parents/legal guardians and the Superintendent/CEO on the day of the event.
Each event of the use of seclusion must be documented and reported to the Superintendent/CEO within 48 hours.
Principals and/or designates are to complete the “Student Seclusion Event Report”.
A copy of “Student Seclusion Event Report” is to be filed in the pupil file and entered into the school’s student information system.
Monitoring and Review
The division will annually review seclusion data to understand the circumstances around the use of seclusion and to determine any further actions that need considered for safe, caring, and inclusive learning environments.
Click the image to skip to the full document with my notes included.
If you need family support, or family advocacy services, please feel free to contact me.
Neurodiversity Manitoba, Incorporated
R4K 1A5, Cartier, Manitoba, Canada