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Neurodiversity resources for teachers: Education resources for neurodivergent students, resource teachers, and entire classes.
Neurodiversity MB explains how the research clearly demonstrates that suspensions hurt more than they help everyone involved.
The antecedents begin long before you might think. Often the adult fills out the ABC chart without consultation or collaboration with the student, so the antecedent is only what was seen from the adult’s perspective.
Let Kids Play And Be Heard: Deny Recess at Your Peril. Denying recess, planned ignoring, and behaviour contracts are counter-productive.
Neurodiversity MB explains how teachers and school staff can support students with executive functioning difficulties in the classroom.
Practical Classroom Supports: Actual accommodations and adaptations that help neurodiverse students thrive. I’m not talking about the fidget spinner fad, I’m talking about actual sensory tools.
Neurodiversity MB explains how we can help children see shades of grey and improve their cognitive adaptability.
Neurodiversity MB outlines must-haves for creating effective Individual Education Plans (IEPs) for students.
Neurodiversity MB explains what it really means to have an inclusive classroom: how to cultivate and maintain true inclusion.
Neurodiversity MB explains how accommodations and supports provided for neurodiverse students benefit all students.
If you're seeking professional development, support, and continuing education for your staff, contact me.
I offer workshops, P.D., mentoring, and neurodiversity training.
Click here to learn more about my qualifications, experience, and education.
Neurodiversity Manitoba, Incorporated
R4K 1A5, Cartier, Manitoba, Canada